The Magic of Soul Alignment

I recently experienced some synchronicity in my life that made me question the concept of magic. As a psychology student, focused on addiction, I learned the concept of magical thinking, which was not a positive trait.  The term magical thinking suggested that we delude ourselves with our belief that we can bring about a magical resolution or outcome to a situation in our life. As I went deeper into the spiritual, metaphysical nature of things I became aware of a different kind of magic.  It was the magic of soul alignment.

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I also saw magic in the way the Universe conspires to bring us what we want in life when what we want is in alignment with our highest good.

When I was looking for a home, I wrote out all the characteristics I wanted in a home and in the most magical ways, life brought to me my perfect home, in the perfect location.  There were things that happened along the way, such as other homes I made offers on falling through, offers being rejected and feeling frustrated that things didn’t seem to be flowing.  But things were flowing, because those homes I had put offers on, weren’t even close to having the qualities of the home I ended up with.  So, there was a certain “magical quality” to manifesting my perfect home.

When I was much younger, I took a course called “Dream Works” where I sat down and wrote out a vision statement for what I wanted to create in my life.  I wrote down that I wanted to make my living/life through Counseling, Writing and Music.  The Universe conspired to bring into my life the exact circumstances that would allow me to fulfill this vision.

Of course, when we ask for something to manifest in our life, we need to be prepared that it may not happen right away and there may be a lot of challenges prior to our getting what we say we want.  For example, I had to go through several narcissistically abusive relationships that led me to writing my books on “Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse,” which led to re-launching my Counseling and Hypnotherapy practice to serve this population.

On my journey to finding the great love I was seeking, I had to have a lot of experiences to show me what love was not.

We often don’t realize how magic is working in our lives until we look back at how things divinely unfolded to bring us to where we are.

And with many of you, who don’t like where you are right now, and feel the Universe is conspiring against you, perhaps it is time to get clear about what you really are looking to experience in your life.

Some of you who are going through a painful break-up, may have asked to meet your soulmate and you might have believed the relationship that is falling apart was it.  But perhaps the relationship that is falling apart is actually part of the process to taking you to the highest love.  You may not be able to see this now, as you are reeling in pain because things didn’t work out according to your plan.

With magic, what we need to realize is that when our own plan is not in alignment with the plan of your higher self, your higher self will likely win.  Because your higher self is in favor of the highest plan for your life.  Your higher self is in alignment with your soul’s path, your mission and purpose.

We often have limited vision and can only see a few feet in front of our face, where higher vision sees the bigger picture.  It sees that in order for me to become the writer and the Counselor, I needed to have sufficient life experience in order to have something powerful to offer.

At the time I was in my deepest pain, I couldn’t see this.  I believed the Universe, or God, or the powers that be, had it out for me.  I asked the question “how could you bring to me the man who I believed to be my soulmate and then have everything go so wrong, leaving me in so much pain?”

If the Universe could have answered, it probably would have smiled and said, “Just wait!”

We often don’t have the patience to wait.  We want it now!  And for most of us this would be the true magic.  To have what we want right now.

Sometimes magic does work like this.  But normally it doesn’t.

We engage in magical thinking when the relationship we find ourselves in feels like a struggle.  It feels undermining and abusive and we magically expect that it will change.  This is the magical thinking we find in the recovery process.  We don’t magically have the power to change others.  The only true power we have is to change ourselves.

So, if that relationship isn’t the relationship we want, we may need to leave to make room for the relationship we want to come in.  Waiting for another person to change who they are, is better called denial.

What is magic?  And how can we create more magic in our lives?

The real magic in our lives begins to happen when we align our will with the will of the Divine, our higher self, our soul, God or whatever you wish to call this force that is so much greater than our small selves.

Your soul is the aspect of you that is eternal.  It is the part of you that entered this human body in order to have a human experience.  It doesn’t matter what religion you are, if any.  Most religions would agree that we are a soul within a body.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

So, what type of human experience do you believe your spiritual being has come here to have?  What do you feel you have come here to learn?  What do you feel your mission and purpose is?

As you step into the flow of your soul, so to speak, you can begin to experience true magic in your life.  When you are in alignment with your soul’s path, life opens the doors necessary for you to fulfill your mission and purpose for being here.

Your soul has a plan for you, that is much greater than what you believed you had.  But until you really go within and listen to the still small voice, you may not be able to hear the guidance.

Remember, the magic happens when you follow the path of your soul.  When you don’t follow the path of your soul, you are more likely to get a wake-up call or simply resign yourself to live an unfulfilling life.

It is important to really learn to listen!  Follow the call of your spirit.  Allow yourself to be guided.  Let the magic happen!

Don’t listen to other well-meaning people who are more comfortable with your remaining stuck in your old roles.  Not everyone will be able to understand the shift that is happening in your life, and it isn’t important that other people understand.  It is only important that you understand.

If you need to leave a job, or a relationship, or move to another area, this is your journey.  Everyone in your life will not automatically understand and support you on your journey, because their fear is activated.  You may trigger the part of them that realizes they are settling for a life that is unfulfilling.

By your having the courage to follow the voice of your soul, you may inspire others to do the same.  But at the very least, you will be stepping into the realm of magic and living the life you have truly come here to live.

About Kaleah LaRoche

Kaleah LaRoche is the Founder of Narcissism Free and has been working to support others in their recovery of narcissistic abuse since 2006. She has authored four books on the topic of narcissistic abuse, recovery, and traversing the dark night of the soul. A Clinical Hypnotherapist and Holistic Counselor since 1988, Kaleah brings her compassionate counseling skill and Hypnotherapy to assist in healing and recovery. Kaleah also has a popular podcast "Pandora's Box." You can go to to listen.

2 comments on “The Magic of Soul Alignment

  1. Hi Kaleah. I’ve been thinking quite a bit about magical thinking lately. And it’s pretty similar to what you’re saying here.

    I realised I had a bad habit of saying to myself “Things will sort themselves out.” Or “Something will happen.” But then I wouldn’t take steps to make these things happen.

    I changed my thinking. Now I believe magical things will happen, but only if I input the effort. And like you say, it doesn’t happen over night. It’s a journey and we learn many lessons on the way. The things we may think are “bad” can provide us with lots of good things too. Plus we learn to appreciate things after the hard work of attaining it.

    So now I think “Things will fall into place.” But as a result of my efforts over time. Since I’ve changed my mindset, my life has improved loads. And I feel I’m just getting started.

    So I keep reminding myself, “No magical thinking.” as in, “don’t expect the universe to do it for you.” But it’s there is I’m prepared to work for it.

    Anyway, I like what you’re doing here Kaleah. Keep up the good work and spreading positive vibes!

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