Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

When I went to see a Psychologist after a long three year relationship with a narcissistic personality I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Not knowing much about the disorder at the time I was confused because I always associated Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with was what war veterans had. I didn’t realize that it […]

When No Contact Can’t Work

When No Contact Can’t Work

Practicing the Art of Non Reaction Those who read my Website know that I encourage a strict “no contact” discipline for those wanting to recover from narcissistic abuse. I call this a discipline rather than a “rule” because sticking to “no contact” is a discipline. It takes diligence, commitment and focus on the bigger picture. […]

Are All Narcissists Dark?

Are All Narcissists Dark?

I get a lot of emails from people and many really identify with the dark and evil energy around a narcissistic mate. Others feel that their life is chaotic and confusing as a result of being in relationship with someone who has strong narcissistic tendencies but don’t feel he is necessarily dark or evil. I […]