Holding Yourself Sacred

Holding Yourself Sacred

In today’s fast-paced world, many struggle to maintain personal integrity in the realm of sexuality. With cultural shifts over the decades, particularly following the sexual revolution of the 1960s, sexual boundaries have become blurred for many, leading to internal conflict, shame, and unhealthy relationship patterns. “Holding Yourself Sacred” is a call to rediscover personal empowerment and set conscious boundaries when it comes to intimacy.

Am I Aging Out? Finding Love at Any Age

Am I Aging Out? Finding Love at Any Age

As we grow older, many of us worry that the window for finding true love is closing. We may feel we’ve wasted our best years in toxic relationships or with narcissistic partners. Looking in the mirror, we might not recognize the youthful face that once felt so attractive. But instead of the end of the road, this could be a new beginning.

Trapped in a Digital Wasteland

Trapped in a Digital Wasteland

For those accustomed to a steady diet of online content, the idea of being without the internet can be daunting. The fear of missing out on the latest news or trends can make it hard to disconnect. However, as one experiences the peace that comes with unplugging, the need for constant stimulation diminishes. The once-enticing allure of YouTube videos or social media fades, replaced by a deeper connection with oneself and the natural world.

Taming the Dragon

Taming the Dragon

In the classic hero’s journey, the hero must face the dragon to reach the treasure. However, in this modern take, the hero tames the dragon with love and kindness. By feeding the dragon positive qualities such as empathy, understanding, and acceptance, the dragon becomes an ally. This shift from combat to compassion transforms the inner landscape, granting access to the gold within.

I Need You to Love Me

I Need You to Love Me

Recovering from a narcissistic relationship often means confronting an addiction to the person and addressing deep-rooted self-worth issues. Narcissists seek validation through others, leaving their partners feeling incomplete when the relationship ends. This dynamic can mirror early life experiences, where we craved love from unavailable parents, creating a pattern of seeking love from those who cannot provide it.

Narcissist Addiction

Narcissist Addiction

The first step in recovery is recognizing the narcissist addiction at play. Addictions, whether to substances, behaviors, or people, distract us from uncomfortable realities and inner feelings of abandonment, loneliness, emptiness, and inadequacy. When a relationship ends, the longing for connection often drives us to seek external validation, but this is a temporary fix for deep-seated issues of self-worth.

The Highly Sensitive Person

The Highly Sensitive Person

Being a Highly Sensitive Person is both a gift and a challenge. While HSPs may face difficulties due to their heightened sensitivity, they also possess unique strengths that can lead to rich, fulfilling lives. By understanding their traits and implementing effective coping strategies, HSPs can navigate the complexities of their sensitivity and harness their potential for deep connection, creativity, and empathy.

Parental Alienation Syndrome

Parental Alienation Syndrome

Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) occurs when a parent is alienated from their child due to the manipulation and controlling behavior of another parent or spouse. While initially used to describe the estrangement of minor children from a parent, it can also apply to adult children who are distanced from their parents by a narcissistic or controlling partner.

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Narcissistic abuse recovery needs to address all the layers.  You first need to come to terms with the reality that this person in your life, whether it be a friend, a family member or a significant other, is a narcissist.

Toxic Positivity

Toxic Positivity

Toxic positivity is prevalent in spiritual and Law of Attraction communities. It creates an environment where people feel wrong for experiencing negative emotions like sadness, anger, or depression, pushing these feelings down in the belief they shouldn’t exist. This suppression affects not only oneself but also how one interacts with others, leading to inauthentic relationships.