I now understand that we attract people into our lives based on the frequency we’re operating at. When I chose from a place of low self-worth, I attracted people who reflected that. When I made choices from my wounded self, I attracted partners who were a vibrational match to those wounds.
Category Archives: Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Am I Aging Out? Finding Love at Any Age
As we grow older, many of us worry that the window for finding true love is closing. We may feel we’ve wasted our best years in toxic relationships or with narcissistic partners. Looking in the mirror, we might not recognize the youthful face that once felt so attractive. But instead of the end of the road, this could be a new beginning.
Taming the Dragon
In the classic hero’s journey, the hero must face the dragon to reach the treasure. However, in this modern take, the hero tames the dragon with love and kindness. By feeding the dragon positive qualities such as empathy, understanding, and acceptance, the dragon becomes an ally. This shift from combat to compassion transforms the inner landscape, granting access to the gold within.
I Need You to Love Me
Recovering from a narcissistic relationship often means confronting an addiction to the person and addressing deep-rooted self-worth issues. Narcissists seek validation through others, leaving their partners feeling incomplete when the relationship ends. This dynamic can mirror early life experiences, where we craved love from unavailable parents, creating a pattern of seeking love from those who cannot provide it.
Narcissist Addiction
The first step in recovery is recognizing the narcissist addiction at play. Addictions, whether to substances, behaviors, or people, distract us from uncomfortable realities and inner feelings of abandonment, loneliness, emptiness, and inadequacy. When a relationship ends, the longing for connection often drives us to seek external validation, but this is a temporary fix for deep-seated issues of self-worth.
Cutting Soul Ties and Contracts
When I conduct Soul Recovery work, akin to soul retrieval, I work with cutting Soul Ties and Contracts. This is a spiritual, energetic process. Quantum physics shows that every living thing has an energetic blueprint; we are all energy beings inhabiting human bodies. Regardless of spiritual beliefs, we cannot deny our energetic nature.
Narcissism in Mothers
Many adults come to realize their mother is narcissistic only in adulthood. Without understanding narcissism, it’s hard to recognize it in a parent or partner. Unusual and emotionally damaging behavior might be noticed, but without a name for it, it remains misunderstood. The journey to uncover what is wrong with a parent or partner often leads to an understanding of narcissism.
Parental Alienation Syndrome
Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) occurs when a parent is alienated from their child due to the manipulation and controlling behavior of another parent or spouse. While initially used to describe the estrangement of minor children from a parent, it can also apply to adult children who are distanced from their parents by a narcissistic or controlling partner.
How To Spot a Covert Narcissist
Covert Narcissists are the ones you do not see right away. It usually takes going deeper into a relationship with one to become aware of the narcissism. It sneaks up on you. This is different from overt narcissism, which is much easier to see.
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery
Narcissistic abuse recovery needs to address all the layers. You first need to come to terms with the reality that this person in your life, whether it be a friend, a family member or a significant other, is a narcissist.