When I conduct Soul Recovery work, akin to soul retrieval, I work with cutting Soul Ties and Contracts. This is a spiritual, energetic process. Quantum physics shows that every living thing has an energetic blueprint; we are all energy beings inhabiting human bodies. Regardless of spiritual beliefs, we cannot deny our energetic nature.
Most people I’ve worked with coming out of Narcissistic abuse have some form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. But they may not be aware this is what is going on. They may have a lot of the symptoms of PTSD but not realize they are suffering from PTSD, rather than just a bad breakup.
Those of us who have been in narcissistically abusive relationships know what this is like, but it is happening on a wider scale now. Will the sociopaths of the world win? Or will those of us who align with the light? The choice belongs to us, because if we truly come together and stand strong, we are a force that won’t go down easily.
Spiritual Warfare is happening all around us. Although we might prefer to just close our eyes and pretend all is love and light, if we don’t take a stand when the darkness begins to invade our reality, we may unconsciously be taken over or controlled.
Kaleah does a deep dive into Shamanic Hypnotherapy, talk about clinical hypnotherapy, shamanism, and how it is used to help you break free from toxic relationships, narcissists and others unwanted, unhealthy connections.
Hypnosis is one of the most powerful ways to influence the subconscious mind and make powerful and lasting changes. Not everybody can be hypnotized or responds well to hypnosis. Usually because of defense mechanisms, protecting them from accessing the deeper part of themselves. In my experience 85% of people have great results with hypnotherapy In […]
If you have ever been involved with a narcissist you quickly learn there is no win/win and you might ask the question “does the narcissist always win?” With a narcissist, it needs to be win/lose and you need to be the one who loses. But perhaps we are really playing very different games, or not […]
We live in a world of programs. Our society is steeped in various programs that tell us who we should be. Our families all have their programs, mostly passed down from both sides of the ancestral lineage. Schools have their programs. We have programs in our peer groups. But all those programs we grow up with tell us who we should be rather than ask the all-important question “who are you?”
Nothing outside of you has power over you, other then what you give it. The only true power in your life is the power of the creative force within you. We call this force God, or Presence, or Lifeforce or any number of things. It is the same force, regardless of what we call it. […]