In this Pandoras Box Podcast, Kaleah delves deep into the heart-wrenching aftermath of narcissistic abuse, shedding light on why PTSD becomes a predominant challenge post-relationship.
The story of Narcissus, a beautiful youth renowned for his unparalleled allure, encapsulates the essence of self-absorption and unrequited love. Kaleah intricately weaves this ancient tale, painting a vivid picture of Narcissus’s enchanting beauty and his ultimate downfall due to his infatuation with his own reflection.
In recent times, the terms “narcissism” and “Narcissistic Personality Disorder” have surged into the limelight, becoming prominent buzzwords in our societal conversations. Their prevalence prompts us to ponder: Is there a significant rise in individuals exhibiting narcissistic traits, or have these terms become a convenient means to brush aside complex issues with partners or family members?
In any relationship with a narcissist – whether it’s a friendship, an intimate partnership, a family tie, or a professional association – setting robust boundaries becomes crucial.
Empaths, highly sensitive people and scapegoats may have grown up in family systems where there was narcissism, sociopathy, addiction and/or mental illness. They are often the black sheep of the family and the scapegoat for the family issues. They may have been scapegoated throughout their childhood from not only their family but their peers, teachers and even church. They may have been bullied a lot.
Those of us who have been in narcissistically abusive relationships know what this is like, but it is happening on a wider scale now. Will the sociopaths of the world win? Or will those of us who align with the light? The choice belongs to us, because if we truly come together and stand strong, we are a force that won’t go down easily.
Spiritual Warfare is happening all around us. Although we might prefer to just close our eyes and pretend all is love and light, if we don’t take a stand when the darkness begins to invade our reality, we may unconsciously be taken over or controlled.
If you are an emotionally or energetically sensitive person, you may have heard “you’re too sensitive,” by friends, family members, partners, etc. And this can be really painful. Because we learn early on to interpret “you’re too sensitive,” as “there is something wrong with you.”
When we continue to tell the same story over and over, which is really common for people with PTSD after narcissistic abuse, we tend to get stuck in our stories and don’t have the progress we want. This is why it is important to work with your story and find another version of it that is much more empowering.
Kaleah does a deep dive into Shamanic Hypnotherapy, talk about clinical hypnotherapy, shamanism, and how it is used to help you break free from toxic relationships, narcissists and others unwanted, unhealthy connections.