Cutting Soul Ties and Contracts

When I conduct Soul Recovery work, akin to soul retrieval, I work with cutting Soul Ties and Contracts. This is a spiritual, energetic process. Quantum physics shows that every living thing has an energetic blueprint; we are all energy beings inhabiting human bodies. Regardless of spiritual beliefs, we cannot deny our energetic nature.

Energy is felt and experienced, not seen. Our attraction to others is an energetic pull, a magnetic force that goes beyond whether someone is good or trustworthy. Early childhood wounds create imprints that attract others with similar wounds, often leading to toxic relationships. The wounded part of ourselves, particularly if we are codependent, seeks to heal others as a way to heal ourselves, but true healing comes from focusing within.

In relationships with narcissists, we focus so much on them that we neglect our own needs. Even after the relationship ends, our attention remains on them instead of our own healing. Soul contracts give us opportunities to learn important lessons. These agreements, made on a spiritual level before birth, assign us roles to learn from each other. Though it seems narcissists don’t learn, they are given chances to develop empathy and love, which they typically reject. The real lessons are learned by those who engage with narcissists, teaching them self-worth and the necessity of self-love.

In toxic relationships, cutting the energetic cords of attachment is crucial. These cords tie us to unconscious agreements made either spiritually or subconsciously. To cancel a soul contract, identify the agreement and firmly declare, “I won’t do that anymore.” This requires self-awareness and recognizing the unhealthy patterns we repeat.

Narcissists need a source of supply, often found in codependent individuals who provide admiration, attention, and other needs. To break free, you must identify your role and the needs you are trying to fulfill. Understanding why you stay in toxic relationships, such as addiction to intermittent reinforcement or unmet childhood needs, is key to breaking these patterns.

Breaking soul ties involves recognizing your worth and deserving more than crumbs of attention. Self-love is essential. A cord-cutting or soul recovery session can be powerful but requires a commitment to letting go of the unhealthy attachment. It’s not a quick fix; growth involves facing inner challenges and doing the work.

During a session, we cut the energetic cords, reclaim your life force, and create an energetic boundary. Post-session, you must maintain this boundary to prevent energy vampires from reattaching. Narcissists may try to reconnect, but their aim is to drain your energy, not to genuinely meet your needs. Realize that they cannot provide the fulfillment you seek.

To truly disconnect, you must understand that your energy source is within you, not external. Practices like meditation, prayer, and self-care help cultivate this inner energy. Self-love reinforces your energetic boundaries, allowing you to live a healthier, more fulfilling life. Recognize your worth, cut the toxic ties, and fill your cup for yourself, not for others.

A fulfilling relationship requires both partners to have full cups. Doing the inner work may take time, but it’s worth it. Even alone, you are never truly alone when you connect to the well of life’s energy. You can have a healthier, happier life without energy vampires draining you.

Listen to the complete Podcast on Cutting Soul Ties and Contracts

About Kaleah LaRoche

Kaleah LaRoche is the Founder of Narcissism Free and has been working to support others in their recovery of narcissistic abuse since 2006. She has authored four books on the topic of narcissistic abuse, recovery, and traversing the dark night of the soul. A Clinical Hypnotherapist and Holistic Counselor since 1988, Kaleah brings her compassionate counseling skill and Hypnotherapy to assist in healing and recovery. Kaleah also has a popular podcast "Pandora's Box." You can go to to listen.

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