It usually takes a long time to heal after coming out of an abusive relationship with a narcissist. You need to heal from complex post traumatic stress disorder, heartbreak, cognitive dissonance, extreme loss of energy, often financial loss and so much more. So when it comes to a time where you may consider dating again, or getting back on the horse, so to speak, it can be terrifying.
This is why I am beginning a series on “Dating again after Narcissistic Abuse and other Toxic Relationships.” This is not about going back out and randomly going out with whoever asks you. It is about becoming relationship ready, knowing who you are, knowing what you want, and not settling for less.
There is so much I am discovering about Online dating through personal experience and through reading and research. But there is little written about dating again after abuse. There is so much more to consider. We need to be really smart about it. We need to really learn everything we can from our past abusive relationships, our core wounds and beliefs and know what the red flags were that we ignored in the past. This way we are careful not to make the same mistake again.
You are never too messed up or too old to find love again. Sometimes you may be finding love for the first time ever. The key is to find “true love,” meaning “real love,” the kind that endures. We have to find that love within ourselves first, and this takes time.
There is no greater time than now, to focus on self-healing and self-love to become “relationship ready.” Begin by having that amazing relationship with yourself.
Be sure to watch my video posted above about “Dating Again,” and subscribe to my YouTube Channel so you can be informed of future videos on this topic.