Healing from Separation

Separation is one of the greatest causes of depression, anxiety and human disconnect.  Healing from Separation involves understanding it and taking action to reconnect to ourselves, to nature and to each other.

We are not random accidents of nature.  We are souls having a human experience and we have all come here for a reason.  Our lives matter!  We have significance.  But we get caught up in all the noise and the drama created by Western Society.  We forget who we are on the deepest levels.  We forget we are not separate from nature.  We are a part of nature.  We are affected by everything that happens in the natural world.  We affect the natural world and the natural world affects us.

When we develop a belief that we are separate from nature and all living beings, we become disconnected from our Source.  This means we are no longer being fed by the energies of life, regeneration and renewal.  We are instead plugged into the energies of death and decay.  We become a destructive force in the universe rather than a loving, creative force.

God is the Creative force of the Universe and when we are plugged into this force, we can be creative and productive citizens of the planet who have the goodwill of all beings at heart.  When we have an understanding that we are connected to the “all that is,” the more compassion we will have for those we share the planet with.  Not just our fellow humans, but for all that inhabit the earth.

The more disconnected we are, the more we spiral into feelings of inferiority or superiority.  And the more we spiral into inferiority and superiority, the more we see ourselves as separate.

In my work with people I often find that so many people isolate from each other as a result of trauma in the family and in their relationships.  When we suffer harsh abuse at the hands of those who are supposed to love us, we lose trust in people.  Or we continue to get involved with people who abuse us because our self-worth is so low.

For many, it can be difficult to believe that there are kind-hearted, good people in the world who would treat them well.  As a result, they isolate themselves from others and live a lonely, empty life.

What many people don’t realize is when they have strong distrust in others, their own behavior can be difficult to be around.  As a result, they end up pushing away the very people who would be there for them.  This is why it is so important to work on healing our core wounds and beliefs in our process of reconnecting to life.

If you have developed a belief that “Love Hurts” then love itself becomes the enemy.  Love is avoided.  And imagine what life would be like if we all avoided love?  If we all saw love as the enemy, it would be a very cold and dark place.

It is never love that hurts us!  It is the lack of love that hurts us.  And we need to learn to stop taking the lack of love in others so personally.  There are a lot of people who are hurting in the world but when we make the choice to cut ourselves off from others and isolate in our own little worlds, we are hurting ourselves.

There is a lot of love and goodness in the world.  If you are someone who has lost your faith in humanity and the goodness of others, perhaps it is time to go on a quest to find the goodness in others.

We can always find the faults and the flaws in each other if we look for them.  None of us are perfect.  We all have wounds, fears and inadequacies.  We all have wants, needs and desires.

The Course in Miracles tells us that “Every action or behavior is a cry for love.”  Any “unloving behavior we witness in others is coming from fear.

Every living being ultimately wants to be loved.  We all desire love.  Even the most evil doer on the planet became that way because he was denied love.  Now he acts from fear.

When we fail to forgive those who have done us harm, we hold onto our fear and lack.  Forgiveness sets us free to love more.  Forgiveness doesn’t ask us to invite abuse into our lives or keep our abusers close to us.  It simply invites us to develop a deeper understanding. Abusive behavior is a cry for love from a person deeply rooted in fear.

Often it is our own fear that prevent us from forgiving and letting go.  We are afraid that the behavior coming from the other is proof that we are unlovable, unworthy, or not good enough.  We may have a belief If we were good enough, they would never have treated us that way.  But this is the ultimate lie.

The greater truth is if that person truly believed he was enough, he would have no need to treat you the way he did.  His treatment of you comes from his own fear that he is not enough.  When you can understand this and not take his behavior so personally, you can release him into the hands of the divine and set yourself free to love on deeper levels.

All love begins with Self Love.  We need to be able to see our own worth and value and the more we value ourselves, the more we are capable of valuing others.  What we believe about ourselves gets projected out onto those closest to us.  So if we are looking for love and loving relationships, we need to first look at our relationship with ourselves.

Remember, we all just want to be loved.  We all want to give and receive love.  It is our fear that is the enemy of love.  See unloving behavior as a cry for love.

Do not allow abusive behavior into your life, because it is not self-loving.  Forgive the abuser and set him or her free to have his or her own experience of life.  Put the abuser in the hands of the divine.  It is not your responsibility to fix or heal others.  Codependency is not self-loving!!!

Remember that you are enough!  You come from love and you return to love.  Love is your divine inheritance.  You are worthy beyond your greatest imaginings.  Your life has so much importance.  Rise up!  Be the love you have come here to be.  Together we can truly create a new reality and heal the separation wound of humanity! Healing from separation will ultimately bring us to a place of peace, love and harmony.


About Kaleah LaRoche

Kaleah LaRoche is the Founder of Narcissism Free and has been working to support others in their recovery of narcissistic abuse since 2006. She has authored four books on the topic of narcissistic abuse, recovery, and traversing the dark night of the soul. A Clinical Hypnotherapist and Holistic Counselor since 1988, Kaleah brings her compassionate counseling skill and Hypnotherapy to assist in healing and recovery. Kaleah also has a popular podcast "Pandora's Box." You can go to pandoras-box-radio.com to listen.

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