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Welcome to Narcissism Free, where we help you to heal from Narcissistic Abuse and take back your power.


  • A great experience

    Had my first session with Kaleah and it was great, very empowering and enlightening. Validated what i was thinking about a relationship and made me look at things differently and that it was ok to feel the way that I feel, and that it is healthy to feel it and taught me ways how to act on those feelings in a positive way. Will do a little work on myself and then will schedule another session.

    - A great experience

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Am I Aging Out? Finding Love at Any Age

Am I Aging Out? Finding Love at Any Age

As we grow older, many of us worry that the window for finding true love is closing. We may feel we’ve wasted our best years in toxic relationships or with narcissistic partners. Looking in the mirror, we might not recognize the youthful face that once felt so attractive. But instead of the end of the road, this could be a new beginning.

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Trapped in a Digital Wasteland

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I Need You to Love Me

I Need You to Love Me

Recovering from a narcissistic relationship often means confronting an addiction to the person and addressing deep-rooted self-worth issues. Narcissists seek validation through others, leaving their partners feeling incomplete when the relationship ends. This dynamic can mirror early life experiences, where we craved love from unavailable parents, creating a pattern of seeking love from those who cannot provide it.

Narcissist Addiction

Narcissist Addiction

The first step in recovery is recognizing the narcissist addiction at play. Addictions, whether to substances, behaviors, or people, distract us from uncomfortable realities and inner feelings of abandonment, loneliness, emptiness, and inadequacy. When a relationship ends, the longing for connection often drives us to seek external validation, but this is a temporary fix for deep-seated issues of self-worth.

Cutting Soul Ties and Contracts

Cutting Soul Ties and Contracts

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Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse

Most victims of narcissistic abuse, struggle with PTSD. The reason why is because they have been exposed to covert abuse and reality warping due to gaslighting, undermining, confusing and other narcissistic behaviors.

When this happens, victims of narcissistic abuse begin to question and doubt themselves and their reality and their nervous system breaks down leaving them feeling anxious, confused, frustrated, deeply wounded and abandoned.

What I do is specialize in trauma recovery for narcissistic abuse to heal your nervous system so you can feel empowered in your life again. The reason why I recommend my trauma recovery program is because it is the single most effective way to overcome the traumatic effects of narcissistic abuse.

And the benefits of healing the negative effects of narcissistic abuse are feeling like a normal person again. Imagine having a calm nervous system, feeling excited about your life again, and doing the things you once loved to do. This is all possible with Trauma Recovery.

Find out how you can book a session with me.