
Had my first session with Kaleah and it was great, very empowering and enlightening. Validated what i was thinking about a relationship and made me look at things differently and that it was ok to feel the way that I feel, and that it is healthy to feel it and taught me ways how to act on those feelings in a positive way. Will do a little work on myself and then will schedule another session.

- A great experience

My session with Kaleah resulted in a mind shift that changed my entire perspective. I was able to remove some blocks which had been holding me back. My focus and energy are greater than before. She was really helpful and I’m grateful for all of her help. N.C.

- Incredible

My sessions with Kaleah have changed my whole perspective on relationships for the better. She made me feel affirmed and supported. I am very blessed and fortunate to have found her! Michelle T.

- Powerful Healing

Kaleah is fantastic. She has amazing insights. The sessions are very individualistic. I was concerned about phone appointments, but it turns out to be great. I’ve been having regular sessions for many months and it is working very well. Client in California

- Unique Insights

In my session with Kaleah I got more understanding, resources and healing than from all the other people I’ve gone to. Afterwards I felt some peace inside for the first time in weeks, and was able to fall asleep normally and sleep most of the night. A miracle in itself. She really understands and it makes a HUGE difference to have support from someone who truly gets what you are going through. S.K.

- Kaleah helped me more than anyone else I saw

Kaleah did a lot of listening in our session together. Then she reflected back what she heard and offered suggestions. I have been listening to her internet radio program for years. I admire and respect her courage. I intend on continuing to work with her, she is the real deal.

- The Real Deal

There are very few people with the skills needed to support those recovering from N’abuse. I have found Kaleah intuitive wise and kind. I would recommend her hypnosis downloads. She is an authentic healer. Sharon

“There is no doubt in my mind, Kaleah’s personal life experience(s) and vast knowledge with Narcissism is not to be overlooked. Her long-time dedication to educate listeners on her weekly Sedona Talk Show is vital information for everyone, especially women. Don’t miss her talk show because Kaleah knows her subject matter!! 

And, thank you Kaleah for the cord-cutting session; it brought about a comforting step forward and has added to my healing process.”

“R., Arizona” 

- Incredible support

Thank you so much Kaleah. With great fortune, I came across your podcast on self love and narcissism in December. I just want you to know that you have (and continue to) help me finally understand the crazy-making tactics of the man I was in a relationship with for the past four years. When I heard your story and the description of a covert narcissist it was a HUGE moment of clarity, relief and empowerment. I’m still in amazement of this truth you enlightened me too. I finally have the answers while also knowing I am not alone in this. Because of you, I got out of the fog and gained the strength and courage to leave him once and for all. THANK YOU!!! Most of all, I thank you for leading me back to myself.  It’s been 2 months and I feel so peaceful. I am doing a lot of learning, working on my wounds, accepting myself and establishing boundaries that I never really had before. I know I have a long road ahead of me but I am confident that I am on the right path now. I have committed to trusting my instincts, strengthening my relationship with God, acting in self love and self compassion. Your current article is a God-send. You are an angel Kaleah. Thank you again and again. I look forward to reading your books, especially Rebirth. 

Many blessings,

- Your story and the description of a covert narcissist it was a HUGE moment of clarity, relief and empowerment.

Sunday I woke up and was looking on line for a source of help who is spiritual and energy aware and has been though narcissism personally and… I have found youJ


Every word I have read I could relate to. People who haven’t experienced it in their life might think you talk foreign language but I understand every little nuances your wrote about…

You got me off the bed… It was a mystical effect on me… You did the final cutting part… after I closed your website (I spend 4 hours reading it!!!) I felt free and in a peace…

Thank you for your great work… Thank you form the core of my soul – I need you so much yesterday and God send you to meJ

Also I loved your music…

I admire you… even though I have never met you in real life… I feel like I’ve lived your life and our souls are sisters…

Thank you again for showing up in my life and bringing me back to whom I am.

S.M., Canada

- You got me off the bed… It was a mystical effect on me

I am so thankful and grateful for your guidance and support this past year. I read your e-mails, websites, group forums and listen to your webcasts. I have learned so much about myself and the “dreaded” narcissist I was involved with. Although it started out as the most painful year I have experienced, it is ending as one of the best year’s of my life. Without my strength of self, courage and the knowledge I have received, I could not have moved forward. I am proud of my accomplishments and I am thriving! My narcissist no longer has any hold on me and I am a very happy and content woman. This will be the fourth season without contact with him and no dating to allow myself the time for healing and reflection. I look forward to the new year with much hope and anticipation. Thank you for being you and for all that you give to those who have been hit with the pain and suffering of narcissism. Best wishes for a fabulous and prosperous 2009! L.F.

- I am so thankful and grateful for your guidance and support

You probably receive hundreds of these emails (and rightly so!), but I just wanted to thank you so much for producing this wonderful resource. It’s so well written, put together and extremely accurate and has helped me no end. Needless to say I directly encountered my own psychic vampire relationship, and it was a horrible experience. It was your fantastic web site that allowed me to convert the trauma I endured into a sense of understanding and then recovery.

Thank you so much for what you have done for me and I’m sure countless others. S.

- Has helped me no end

Dear Kaleah,

After years and years of counseling sessions through 3 dysfunctional marriages;  and recently terminating an additional 7 year relationship with a narcissist (never married, thank god!); I found your website and downloads.

I am so grateful to have found such significant wisdom.  This has been a catalyst to embrace the pain and then, work on moving on to more joy and pleasure in my life!

Blessings to you for the difference you are making on our planet!



- I am so grateful to have found such significant wisdom

Hi Kaleah,

Two years ago I walked out of a 6 year relationship/marriage to a Narcissist. I didn’t even know what a Narcissist was until I was married him for a year. Once I discovered what it was I realized that my husband was 100% Narcissist and a Psychopath as well, I started looking online to find help. Your ebooks quite literally saved my life and gave me the courage I needed to get out of this abusive relationship.

I remember when I first left, even though I was in tremendous emotional pain, people around me told me that I had a light about me that they hadn’t seen before, just like you talked about in your books. I knew then I was going to be okay, that I had done the right thing by leaving; that I wasn’t just imagining things and no way could I “fix” the marriage.

Now, two years later, I am in another state and have absolutely no contact with him. I feel stronger than I have ever felt in my life and have found contentment within myself I that I never felt before. I can now spot a narcissist a mile away and RUN! I now realize that my mother is also a narcissist which explains a lot of my feelings of insecurity and inability to feel “good enough” and I now know it was not me but her. I still have a ways to go to be fully healed, but am going through the spiritual process.

I just wanted to let you know the impact your books had on me and share my success.

Thank you!


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- The impact your books had on me