The Incredible Power of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is one of the most powerful ways to influence the subconscious mind and make powerful and lasting changes.

Not everybody can be hypnotized or responds well to hypnosis.  Usually because of defense mechanisms, protecting them from accessing the deeper part of themselves.  In my experience 85% of people have great results with hypnotherapy

In Hypnotherapy, we are accessing a different part of the mind, the subconscious.  Even though the conscious is alert and aware, most of the time, the subconscious is still receiving information.  Because the client is relaxed and in an altered state, they have access to the higher states of consciousness as well.  So not only are we accessing the subconscious but the superconscious or higher self.  This is where the magic begins.

When we access the subconscious and/or the superconscious we are accessing the unique, authentic YOU. Your authentic self sees and recognizes where you are not being authentic.  Lack of authenticity is a lack of happiness and fulfillment in life, because you are living your life for attachment and approval, doing what you think you should, instead of living by your truth, doing what you feel guided from within to do.

Lack of authenticity also prevents you from speaking the truth, and you end up suppressing who you are, and what you believe or stand for, out of a fear of being rejected, or losing acceptance and approval from others. Although suppressing who you are may feel like the easiest thing to do at the time, it goes against who you really are, so you end up feeling suppressed, depressed, lost, alone and disconnected as a result.

What I love about hypnotherapy is that it helps you to feel connected to your true self.  When you are connected to your true self, you start to connect with your authenticity and live your truth.  This leads you to feeling whole, complete, and on purpose in your life. You can’t connect with your true purpose in life if you are not being authentic.  You will instead walk the path that is easiest rather than the path that is true to your authentic being.

We often stay in toxic relationships, for example, with partners, parents, siblings, children, friends, bosses and coworkers because we fear losing that attachment or connection.  We may fear if we don’t do what is necessary to please that person, we will lose.  We will lose support, love, connection, money, security, or whatever it is we fear losing, but most of all it is loss of the attachment to someone we want or need approval from.

Your higher self could care less about external approval.  It is much more concerned with you approving of yourself, following your own unique path and being loving and kind to you.  Your higher self wants for you to be true to you.  It wants you to love you, accept you, and do what is right for you.  Because this is the true path of authenticity.

When you enter into the healing energy of hypnotherapy, which is really a type of deep relaxation therapy, where your conscious mind takes a back seat and your subconscious and superconscious take a front seat, we are much more effective at getting to the core of the issues and the truth of what is really going on for you.

The subconscious mind is the seat of your imagination and your imagination plays a very powerful role in hypnosis.  So lets break this down.

In a relationship, for example, where you fall in love with an ideal, you are engaging your imagination and imagining that you are in a great relationship that will fulfill all your dreams and desires.  A narcissistic relationship is very illusion based and the imagination of both parties are very active in creating that illusion of the perfect relationship that is so powerful and believable that most of us get sucked in hook, line and sinker.

What makes it so difficult to extract yourself from a relationship like this is that you have to wake up to the truth behind the illusion.  The illusion must fall in order for the truth to rise up.  You must be willing to face the truth and accept that your perfect relationship was based on illusion and not on truth.  The illusion is very addictive and can feel pretty amazing in the beginning so it can be very difficult to face the truth.  The fantasy feels so much better than the truth and as I’ve said before, the truth will set you free, but it will hurt first.  We have to be willing to suffer through the pain of the denial, the fantasy and imaginary world we were living in before we can stand strong in the truth.

Hypnosis can help because when in a state of hypnosis, you are engaging the part of the mind that is rooted in the imagination.

In a cord cutting ceremony, for example, we go through the symbolic process of cutting the psychic and emotional cords to that person you need to release.  You are engaging the part of the mind that got sucked into that illusionary world to begin with.  But this time you are letting that person go in a type of sacred ceremony, where you are fully and completely engaged, on the same levels you were when you “fell in love” with that person.

Many people I do this process with, cry some very deep tears.  They are grieving the loss from a deep place and facing the pain and fear of letting go, but they are letting go.  When the session is over they feel that something very powerful and real just happened.  And often they get feedback from the outer world when that person contacts them attempting to reconnect.  Of course this doesn’t always happen, and I instruct those who have undergone a session like this not to respond to any attempts to reconnect from those we have cut cords with.  They may simply have noticed a loss of energy, and they reach out in attempt to get your energy again.

When we do “inner child” healing in hypnosis, most people are able to see, feel and experience the child they once were who was traumatized, abandoned, abused, and forgotten about.  This connection with the inner child is so important for healing trauma.  You need to reconnect to those parts of yourself you have abandoned or rejected and integrate those parts back into the whole of who you are.  You need to develop love and compassion for the wounded parts of yourself, starting with that precious and innocent child.  I haven’t seen any more powerful process to connecting with the inner child, then in a hypnosis session.  This can start you on the road to full recovery, because you make a connection that remains with you after the session.  If you are committed and willing to do the work, you will only grow and become stronger.

In hypnosis you can communicate with your higher self and receive wisdom for your life from that higher part of yourself.  You can travel into your future and connect with your future self and bring the wisdom back to present.  You can travel into your past and meet with your former self to learn some important lessons and reclaim important pieces.  You can discover your purpose for being here and work through fear and blocks in hypnosis.

Hypnosis is one of the most powerful ways to deal with trauma.  And a lot can happen in just one session.  But the mistake some make is to have only one or two sessions to deal with a lifelong issue.  Still, the sessions are so powerful that many of my clients return year after year when they are having issues coming up or having difficulty with something.

Lets keep in mind that the higher self I refer to is the authentic self, the wise self that knows what is right and good for you.  Sometimes we just can’t hear this part of us when it tries to communicate with us.

I am a Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner, also trained by Dolores Cannon, and in the Quantum Healing Sessions we connect with the higher self to get the clients questions answered.  I can’t tell you how many times the higher self said “I try to tell her but she just doesn’t listen.”

Not listening to our higher wisdom is common and when we don’t listen we are taken further and further from our true self, and our authenticity.  Learning to listen is so important and powerful.  A hypnosis session can not only put you in touch with your higher self and its wisdom but help you to remain connected and listen to that deeper part of you.

There are so many ways we can use hypnosis not only for recovery from narcissistic abuse, but to make other powerful changes in one’s life.  Consider getting in touch with me to book your hypnotherapy session, or you can take advantage of many of the audio hypnosis downloads I have created to help you to make positive changes in your life.


About Kaleah LaRoche

Kaleah LaRoche is the Founder of Narcissism Free and has been working to support others in their recovery of narcissistic abuse since 2006. She has authored four books on the topic of narcissistic abuse, recovery, and traversing the dark night of the soul. A Clinical Hypnotherapist and Holistic Counselor since 1988, Kaleah brings her compassionate counseling skill and Hypnotherapy to assist in healing and recovery. Kaleah also has a popular podcast "Pandora's Box." You can go to to listen.

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