Understanding Codependency

Understanding codependency is the first part of recognizing if you have co-dependent traits or if codependency is an issue in your relationship.

Codependency has been a buzz word for decades. It is a term used in the twelve step recovery programs to describe the co-addict, or person who takes care of the addict. But Codependency has become a term that stands strong on its own to suggest a set of dysfunctional behaviors in a person who likely didn’t get his or her needs adequately met in childhood. As a result the codependent learns that the needs of others are more important and he/she goes about care taking others at his/her own expense.

Codependency is not just about having a dependency on another person.  In fact, out of a primary relationship, codependents often do very well.  But within their primary relationships there is often chaos, pain and extreme dysfunction.  Part of the dysfunction has to do with the choices a Co-dependent makes when it comes to a partner.  They will often unconsciously choose a partner who is in need of fixing or healing; such as an alcoholic, drug addict, or narcissist. 

Once in the dysfunctional relationship, a codependent avoids his/her own needs, pain, fear and insecurity and focuses his/her attention on the one he/she perceives is in need of fixing or healing.  Instead of asking the question “why do I continue to choose partners who are addicted or mentally ill,” the codependent will ask the question “how can I fix this person so that I can have the relationship I want?”

Codependence usually is the result of coming from a dysfunctional family where one’s needs were not important, and a child falls into a caretaking role for a parent or siblings.  Understanding codependency is the first step to breaking free.

In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, I do a deep dive into codependency, what it is, and what needs to happen to heal.

About Kaleah LaRoche

Kaleah LaRoche is the Founder of Narcissism Free and has been working to support others in their recovery of narcissistic abuse since 2006. She has authored four books on the topic of narcissistic abuse, recovery, and traversing the dark night of the soul. A Clinical Hypnotherapist and Holistic Counselor since 1988, Kaleah brings her compassionate counseling skill and Hypnotherapy to assist in healing and recovery. Kaleah also has a popular podcast "Pandora's Box." You can go to pandoras-box-radio.com to listen.

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