When the Outside World Shuts Down; Go Within

Addressing the Coronavirus


When the World Shuts DownThis week Pandoras Box Radio addresses the concerns of the world wide Pandemic of the coronavirus and how we can use this time as an opportunity to make a quantum leap in consciousness. What can happen when we have the focus of an entire globe on one major concern? Major transformation!  When the outside world shuts down, go within.

Listen to the Podcast Here

Look at what is happening now with this Global pandemic.  It is as if, in so many ways we are being forced into isolation.  The outside world is shutting down.  The schools are closing.  Businesses are shutting down.  Social events are being cancelled.  People are being told to stay home.  People who are infected with the virus are having to isolate even further in quarantine.

This is a call to go inside, to retreat within and reconnect with the inner self.  In this time of global crisis or chaos, look for the opportunity.

We need to all be careful not to go into fear.  Fear is the opposite of love and mass fear and hysteria can really shift the energy of the planet to the negative.  Try not to get too far ahead of yourself, going into possible negative scenarios of the future.  Mainstream media is a fear mongering entity.  It spreads bad news and fear on a daily basis.

If you can turn off your television and find a couple alternative media sources on YouTube or Online that will keep you knowledgeable but not keep planting fearful images in your head.  These fearful images are toxic and take root in your consciousness.

Count your blessings.  If you are healthy, have a roof over your head and food to eat, say thank you.  Be grateful for what is good in your life.  Even if there are bad things going on around you.

Of course, with the coronavirus we need to do what we can to curb the spreading of the virus and keep ourselves healthy.  Stay home, practice cleanliness, eat right, boost your immune system.  But most of all realize that healing is an inside job.  And guess what.  There will be plenty of time to go within.

The outer distractions are being removed, well, other than the television and Internet which you could get lost in if you wanted to.  You could very easily be distracted by hours of watching fear mongering news or mindless television programs.  But I want to bring to your attention that we have an opportunity for global transformation here.  There is a huge opportunity as the majority of the planet go into seclusion.  There is something happening inside the consciousness of humanity.

We could all go into fear, panic and hysteria.  Or we could find the gift in our isolation.  Ambassador to the UK was talking about the people of Italy saying “This is a battle we can win, only if we all act together.”

There is something about acting together.  Each of us doing our part.  Instead of warring with each other, we are fighting a virus, an outside entity, together.  The people of Italy have risen up to the challenge.  The entire Country is in lock down and there are videos of people singing from their balcony as a way of boosting morale and lifting each other up.  They are coming together in the spirit of love.  We can all learn something from this.

Yes, these are dark times on the planet, but it is in times of darkness that our light can shine the brightest.  It is in times of isolation that we have the opportunity to connect on the deepest levels with ourselves and with others.

This can be a time where families come together and spend quality time.  Where neighbors help each other, and the power of love can go viral!

What do you think would happen if we all went to a place of love instead of fear?  What if we all sang from our balconies and raised our spirits to a higher place?

In my work, I often talk about the metamorphosis process, mostly on the level of the individual.  With metamorphosis there is a death of the old and a rebirth of the new.  We have to shed our old skins; that which we have outgrown, in order to step into the new self.

Right now, we are going through a Global metamorphosis.  We actually have been in this process for a while, but symbolically we are moving into the cocoon and shedding our caterpillar body and reality.

On a global level, we are entering the cocoon.  We are going inside.  We are dissolving and reassembling.

Bruce Lipton speaks about this process of dissolving in his study of metamorphosis.  In the beginning of the process, when the caterpillar is at the end of its life, the once fully functioning community of cells are thrown into chaos.  This is because they all knew what their job was when they were digesting food and growing the body of the caterpillar.  Once that body is full grown, and it can’t consume anymore, the metamorphosis process begins.

If you think about it, we are consumers.  We are cogs in the wheel of humanity, working to survive and consuming food, technology, cars, necessities and luxuries.  For this moment in time, our global community is thrown into chaos.   We are sent home and consumption is slowing down.  The way we live our daily life is changing.  The markets are crashing.

If you have listened to my previous podcasts, I have talked about the resistant cells that struggle for things to remain the same, and the imaginal cells, which are the visionaries for the new reality.  The resistant cells attack the imaginal cells and try to destroy them, because they are a threat to the status quo.  But the imaginal cells keep coming and begin to cluster together into these strong, resilient communities that are forming the body of the butterfly; the new reality.

I have often referred to the metamorphosis process as a dark night of the soul, because often there is a lot of chaos, grief, fear, and pain that come with releasing the old reality.

When in the cocoon, there is that internal struggle between the resistance, the desire to stay in the safety of what is familiar, and the new realty that is working to come into form.  There is that time of inner chaos and struggle.  It may feel like a time where you don’t know who you are anymore or what is happening.  You may not have a vision for your future, or any type of understanding of where you are going.

The fear of loss may be great and if you don’t have a vision for what is coming into being, you may feel that your new life is the pain, the fear and the chaos.  But it isn’t.  Your new life has not yet come into form.  You have not yet given birth to the new reality.  But it is coming!

The best way to navigate through the dark night of the soul is to trust the process.  Know that, even if you are in pain, fear, and struggle right now, what is happening on the inside is a powerful transformation.  The old is breaking down so the new can assemble.

What might it look like if our entire planet is in metamorphosis?  What do you imagine it would be like if the whole of humanity is in the process of dissolving the old form?  What might the resistant cells look like? Are they the ones in the big box stores fighting over the last package of toilet paper?  Are they the ones saying “ain’t it awful, we are all going to die?”  Are they the ones in such a state of fear and panic that they attack others?

In our fear for our own survival we can align with those resistant cells, attacking the new in order to cling to the familiar.  We know from history that when people fear for their survival they panic and do crazy things.  Their own survival becomes the most important thing, at the expense of all else and anyone else.

The video I watched of the toilet paper wars was one of the craziest images I’ve seen.  Two women were playing tug of war with a package of TP while one woman had an entire shopping cart loaded up with toilet paper.  My first question was “where is the food?  Why toilet paper?  Why do people think toilet paper is a survival item?  You can’t eat it.  Why suddenly was there all this hoarding?  There was a “give me all of it, you can’t have any” mentality going on.  This is the old paradigm.  This is the paradigm that needs to fall away so we can enter a new paradigm of kindness, care and generosity.

You will see both energies in the world now, during these chaotic times.  You will see beautiful acts of kindness and generosity.  And you will see pure greed and selfishness.

The process of hibernation and transformation doesn’t need to involve a dark night of the soul, however.  Many of you have already done your work and will embrace this time as a time to read, reflect, listen to podcasts, do yoga, cook, bake, make art or music, meditate, take long baths, go for long walks, have long talks on the phone with people you love, and just enjoy fewer distractions.

Some people will rely on distractions like alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, junk food, television and other things to get them through.  So not everyone will be reflecting or seeing the gift.

As we go through global metamorphosis, it is important to cluster with other imaginal cells so that we can form a strong, resilient community that can withstand the attack of the resistant cells.  Even in the face of “social distancing,” we can have strong communities, because we really aren’t distancing on a social level, but on a physical level.

Coming together now is more important than ever.  As we go within and reflect on the changes happening in the world, we can also reach out and connect with other “like minded” or rather “like hearted” people.

I feel we have to take on the perspective, that if the economy crashes, it is supposed to crash.  If our children are home schooled and getting more personal attention from their parents, this is supposed to happen.  If our current systems and structures begin to fall, perhaps they are meant to fall.

I get that there is fear of such things, because we fear for our survival.  Some may fear losing their jobs, or not being able to work because they need to stay home with the children.  I feel that fear doesn’t really serve us here.  Being afraid something will happen, draws the thing you fear to you.  Instead, it would be wise to practice faith and know that your soul is involved in this process.  If your soul is involved in this process, it is guiding you.  So, this is a powerful time to listen to the inner guidance.

We may need to go with the flow and make adjustments.  We need to be willing to walk into our fear and take things one day at a time, one step at a time.  Going too far into the future with all the “what ifs” is not helpful.  Being in the present moment is to be in “the presence.”  To be in “the presence” is to be in the light of God Awareness, all that is, the heart of the divine.  It is in this place that we access our New Human potential.

We have a lot of unused brain power.  We have a lot of potential as human beings that we haven’t yet tapped into.  Perhaps the reason we haven’t tapped into our full potential is that it wasn’t time.  We may not have known what to do with our power.  We may have misused or abused it in the past.  But now we, the imaginal cells of the new reality, are ready to step fully into our power.

I’ve heard many different people talk about the New Human and call it by different names.  Alberto Villoldo, who spent 25 years with the Inka Elders in Peru, tells us we are going from Homo Sapien to Homo Luminous.

I’ve also heard the terms “Homo Cristos,” to suggest we are stepping into our Christed awareness.

Barbara Marx Hubbard tells us that homo sapiens are giving birth to a new species—Homo Universalis—a higher conception of humanity that co-evolves with nature, co-exists with high-tech genius, co-creates with spirit and leads with love.

Gregg Braden tells us that after the coronavirus, things will never go back to normal.  Not the normal we have been familiar with.  He tells us there will be a new normal.

We have this divine power within us that is now being activated and we are being called to our mission to awaken to our highest potential.  As we awaken to our highest potential, we lift up others around us and inspire them to awaken to their highest potential.  We can be like light bulbs going off all across the planet as we are turned on and activated to higher awareness.

We are experiencing this thing called a virus, moving throughout the collective.  What an opportunity to share the love and allow love to go viral.  Love has the power to heal our hearts, our souls and our bodies.

So, lets join together in the spirit of love.  Let’s get to the heart of matters.  Let’s find our way home.  To stay home right now is to stay in our hearts and connected to something so much greater than any of us have been able to imagine, perhaps up until now.

About Kaleah LaRoche

Kaleah LaRoche is the Founder of Narcissism Free and has been working to support others in their recovery of narcissistic abuse since 2006. She has authored four books on the topic of narcissistic abuse, recovery, and traversing the dark night of the soul. A Clinical Hypnotherapist and Holistic Counselor since 1988, Kaleah brings her compassionate counseling skill and Hypnotherapy to assist in healing and recovery. Kaleah also has a popular podcast "Pandora's Box." You can go to pandoras-box-radio.com to listen.

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